Product Intro

Miracle3 was the first to present an “engine preprocessing method” in the industry.

In order to prove the theory, it developed from materials to raw and subsidiary materials and succeeded in commercializing it.
I tried to verify it through a certification body, but there was no certification body for the pre-processing method, so I struggled.
GThe G SCAN2 tester has “the function of detecting real-time fuel injection amount from the ECU.” In the (Euro 6D) engine, it has been proven that fuel can be reduced by more than 20%. Therefore, exhaust fumes are also reduced.
G SCAN2 테스터에는 “ECU에서 실시간 연료분사량을, 탐지하는 기능”이 있습니다. (유로6D) 엔진에서, 연료를 20%이상 절감된다는 것을, 입증하였다. 따라서 매연도, 감소됩니다.
Fortunately, I knew that the EPA testing laboratory had equipment that could verify the pre-treatment method, and I applied for it, but it was delayed due to the Corona 19 crisis, and I am on standby.
Miracle3 was the first to present an “engine preprocessing method” in the industry.
To prove it, we developed raw and subsidiary materials ourselves and succeeded in commercializing it.
We tried to verify it through a certification body, but since there was no certification body, we verified it by comparing and analyzing the real-time fuel injection amount before and after installation using a tester.
The G SCAN2 tester has a “function to check the fuel injection amount in real time from the ECU”, and to verify performance, data before and after installation at 100 km/h were compared, as a result of March 2017 (Euro In the 6D) engine, it has been proven that fuel injection is saved by 24 to 27%.
Saving fuel means reducing exhaust emissions.
다행히, EPA 테스트 시험기관에, 전처리 방식을 검증할수있는 장비가, 있다는 것을 알고, 신청을 하였으나, 코르나19 사태로 지연되어, 대기하고 있습니다

SM5 Sorrento Opirus Actyonsport

Inspection results according to the Air Environment Conservation Act

This is the smoke test result on June 31, 2006

At that time, the smoke inspection method was the pre-knockdown inspection method, and the maximum acceleration was 4,000 RPM, and the inspection result was after that, the law changed, and now we do a smoke test at 3rd level 40 Km. * At that time, the product was in the initial development state, and the current product has been doubled and improved.

2006년 6월 31일 매연검사 결과입니다

당시 매연 검사방법은 프리 녹다운 검사방식 이어서 최대 가속하여 4,000 RPM에서
입니다 그 후 법이 바뀌어 지금은 3단에서 40 Km 에서 매연검사를 합니다
* 당시에 제품이 개발초기 상태이고 현재 제품은 2배로 향상되었습니다